Assalamu Alaikum Dear User Welcome to our website. Friends, Census data has been collected all over Bangladesh in the month of June. According to that information, what is the population of Bangladesh in 2024, we will share that information today.
Bangladesh population 2024
According to the information given in the preliminary report of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics 2022 Census and Household Census, the population of the country is now 16 crore 51 lakh 58 thousand 616. Among them, the number of men is 8 crore 17 lakh 12 thousand 824 people and the number of women is 8 crore 33 lakh 47 thousand 206 people.
What is the current population of Bangladesh 2024?
- The current population of Bangladesh 2023 is 165,158,616.
Tag;Bangladesh population 2024,What is the current population of Bangladesh 2023? Bangladesh population 2024 in crores

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