How to Make a Garden paragraph ( For All Class) | How to Make a Garden


How to Make a Garden Paragraph


    How to Make a Garden Paragraph 

    Gardening is a nice hobby. You can make good use of your leisure time by gardening. It will make you healthy and remove your dullness. If you want to make a garden, you have to go through several steps. First of all, select a piece of land that gets enough sunlight and where water does not stand in the rainy season. After that, loosen the soil with a spade and remove the weeds. Next to that, put some fertilizer and mix it with the soil properly. You can use compost of decayed plants, food, etc. too. Then select some good quality of seeds or seedling and sow or plant them properly. You can sow seeds of flowers or vegetables or both in your garden. After that, put a strong fence around your garden. It will protect your garden for cattle, goats and wicked children. Water the plants every day because it is very important for the plants to grow. Weed out your garden timely. Work at least one hour daily in your garden. 


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