আসছালামু আলাইকুম প্রিয় ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা তোমাদের ২০২২ সালের বার্ষিক পরীক্ষা সামনে রেখে আজকে আমরা সকল বোর্ডের জন্য ৬ষ্ট শ্রেণির ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২২ নিয়ে হাজির হয়েছি। আসা করি এই সাজেশন ভালো করে পড়লে তোমাদের অনেক উপকারে আসবে।
ষষ্ঠ/৬ষ্ট শ্রেণির /শ্রেণীর বার্ষিক পরীক্ষার ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২২
Textbook Lessons:
Lesson-17 - Marium is a student of class 6
Lesson-22 - Hason Raja was born
Lesson-23 - The Tajmahal
Lesson-24 - The invention of computer & Mobile phone
Lesson-26 - A huge number of Bangladeshies go abroad
Lesson-33 - Too much or too little of water
Lesson-34 - Frog
Unseen Passage
1. Einstein
2. Planet Mercury
3. Florence Nightingale
4. Farmer and his sons (Unity is strength)
5. John Milton
1. Our National Flag
2. School Library/Magazine
3. Tea stall
4. Life of a farmer
5. A moonlit night
6. Your favourite Teacher
7. An ideal student
8. Tree Plantation
9. Deforestation
Paragraph (Extra)
1. Street Beggar
2. Early rising
3. Winter Morning
4. A rainy day
5. Your hobby
6. Your Parents
7. Air/Water pollution
Completing Story
6. Hare and Tortoise
7. Grapes are sour
8. Foolish crow and clever fog.
9. Wonderful goose
10. Dividing bread
Dialogue Writing
1. Buying books
2. Asking direction
3. Doctor Patient
4. Importance of tree plantation
5. Preparation of exam
6. With class teacher about late arrival
7. About good food
8. Plan during summer vacation
9. Benefits of early rising
10. With a bank Manager about opening an account
E-mail Writing (1st & 2nd paper)
1. Inviting a to join a picnic / birthday party sister's marriage
2. About your school
3. About your preparation of exam
4. Importance of computer / learning english
5. Thanking for birthday present / hospitality
6. A foreign friend inviting to visit Bangladesh
7. About prize giving ceremony of your school
8. About experience of a journey
9. To father asking some money
10. About your aim in life
Informal Letter
1. to friend about prize giving ceremony of your school
2. to father about your progress of study
3. to mother about your school hostel
4. to friend about a picnic you enjoyed
5. to friend condoling for his/her father's death
6. to a foreign friend about your country
7. to a friend inviting him to pass the vacation
8. to friend about a road accident
9. to younger brother advising to be attentive in sClub
Application (2nd paper)
1. Transfer Certificate
2. Leave of absence
3. Early Leave
4. Study Tour
5. Computer Club / Debating Club
6. Morning School
7. Stage a drama
8. Help from the poor fund
9. Full free studentship
10. Sinking Tube-well
11. Relief for the flood affected people
Composition (Essay Writing) 2nd raper
1. Your Aim in Life
2. Student Life
3. Your Favourite Hobby
4. Journey By Boat / Train
5. Physical Exercise
6. Your favourite person
7. Reading Newspaper
8. Season You Like Most
Class 6/Six English Suggestion 2022
Tag:ষষ্ঠ/৬ষ্ট শ্রেণির /শ্রেণীর বার্ষিক পরীক্ষার ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২২ (ফাইনাল -সকল বোর্ড), Class 6/Six English Suggestion 2022 -ষষ্ঠ/৬ষ্ট শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি সাজেশন/প্রশ্ন

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(সবচেয়ে আগে সকল তথ্য,গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সকল পিডিএফ, প্রতি মুহূর্তে। ফলো করুন আমাদেরGoogle News,FacebookএবংTelegram পেজ)