My Favourite Teacher
Mr. Ahmad is my favorite teacher .He is our English teacher. He is an M.A. in English. I love him, respect him and like him best. He has left a permanent impression on my mind by his affection, convincing power, high personality and admirable teaching method. He is our friend, philosopher and guide. He not only observes dutifulness and strictness but also combines in him a number of other qualities. He is endowed with scholarship, love for teaching, capacity to create interest in his subject, inherent earnestness to see his pupils really educated and improved in character. He carries out his responsibilities fully without fear of favor and strictly enforces the rules of study and conduct. For all this he is disliked at first by some student. But soon they change their opinion about him and they become diligent, attentive and regular in doing the task assigned by him.
His method of teaching is very easy and lucid. He has a strong, clear and pleasant voice. Everyday he teaches us in a new style. He can make any grammatical problem easy. He knows well how to increase the curiosity of the students. In the class room he is just like an English. His pronunciation is good and he speaks English with a foreign accent. In his class he creates and English environment. We never fail to understand any grammatical problem in his class. If any student can not understand he becomes very friendly to him and makes him understand that.
He is a good organizer. Any programme of our school/ college is arranged by him. He manages them so carefully that there is no lack. All students and teachers love him very much. I want to be a teacher like him.
My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 7
My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 12
My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 4
My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 6
My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 8
My favourite teacher paragraph for class 2
Tag:My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 7
My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 12
My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 4
My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 6
My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 8
Tag:My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 7,My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 12,My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 4,My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 6,My favourite teacher Paragraph for class 8,My favourite teacher paragraph for class 2

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